For years we talk about deforestation in the Amazon, but never seen such a complete report about the importance of this biome to the world, especially to Brazil.
The open roads in the forest with the excuse to allow colonization facilitated access of explorers who in the name of greed drop in less than a minute a tree that takes more than one hundred years to grow. What is done with the wood? Nothing!
The purpose of this type of deforestation is to overthrow all, and set fire to transform the area into pasture for cattle ranching. Squatters steal the land of the Union and deforest various points under the forest hindering the observation of the satellite. The result? 20% of the original Amazonian trees have been felled. The clearings are added to an area larger than the countries of France and Germany combined.
What may seem like a local issue that only affects the woods and animals actually affects a much larger area.
Dry sources, dams with less than 10% of the capacity of water located in the state of São Paulo, which is 2000 km away from the forest are in agony due to deforestation.
The report on the climatic future of the Amazon, conducted in partnership by INPE and INPA which gathers more than 200 studies and will be presented at the Climate Conference in Lima, Peru at the end of the year presents a detailed study on the road map of the rains in South America.
According to this report in the past 400 million years the moisture that evaporates from the oceans is naturally pushed to the continents through the winds, a part becomes rain and falls, mainly in the forests at time of Ecuador, the excess moisture crosses continents and follows the sea. Throughout this cycle the Earth is only one exception: the Amazon.
This difference is due to the Andes Mountains, a wall of 7000 meters in height that prevents the clouds cross the continent and are lost in the Pacific. The clouds collide in the Cordillera and are pushed to the south. That's why South America is the only continent that doesn't have a desert that line just below the equator.
The trees are in large part responsible for the large amount of water in the region, their roots are stuck up to 20 or 30 meters deep, so they suck up water from the ground, using their trunks as pipes and release the water through the "transpiration" leaves.
Each Amazonian tree pumps on average 500 liters of water, the entire Amazon is responsible for taking daily 20 billion tons of water from the soil to the atmosphere, 3 billion tons more than the flow of the Amazon River, the largest river in the world.
Practical example: If you had a giant electric kettle plugged in you need to Itaipu, the largest hydroelectric power plant in the world to work 145 years to evaporate the same amount of water that evaporates Amazon in one day. To perform the silent workings of Amazon we would need 50 thousand power plants such as Itaipu.
Although the deforestation figures have fallen over the past two decades that is not enough, according to scientists we need just don't stop deforestation, reforestation is needed before it is too late.
"There is one simple fact: If you strip forest, you strip moisture source, change the weather And we took forest That was what we did in the last 40 years The climate is a judge who can count trees, not forget and not forgive "Antonio Nomes.
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